
New Weapons:

  • Kraken Tail (tier 0)
    • (replaces superhot assault rifle)
    • Backwards kraken pistol
  • Micro Plasma Gun (tier 0)
    • (Replaces superhot revolver)
  • Micro Machinegun (tier 0)
  • Rocket Clap (tier 0)
    • Curving rockets that deal little impact damage and cause small explosions
    • When they curve into each other it causes two bigger explosions, this is the highest damage it can do but its tricky to get them to not hit anything else before they hit each other.
  • Grenade Strike Launcher (tier 0)
    • Small grenade that deals less impact damage compared to normal grenade and explodes in a line of explosions, has the potential to deal more damage than the regular grenade launcher but is more dangerous to use and a little harder to get direct hits.
  • Dense gun (tier 0)
    • A condensed circle of bullets, acts kinda like a bullet crossbow
  • Double Disc gun (tier 4)
    • burst of 2 discs
  • Toxic laser rifle (tier 4)
  • Trop gun (tier 0)
    • Fires one bullet and two pellets next to it
  • Metal Pipe (tier 0)
    • Uses the small slash thats part of the needle
  • Splinter Mine Launcher (tier 0)
    • Swaps between bolt and explosive ammo
    • Costs quite a lot and has a low reload time
    • Mines stick around forever and will home into nearby enemies after being activated.
  • Trip Fire Chain Gun (tier 13)
    • Like the rewirer but when an enemy passes between two tripwires will fire a flame chain
    • Does not stick to enemies
  • Ghost Spear (tier 15)
    • Lance-like ghost melee weapon
  • Doom Lobber (tier 13)
    • Lobs a bunch of doom bots
    • can be tossed over walls
  • Plasma Laser Rifle (tier 11)
    • Has unique ultramod Bullet ⇔ Laser

Crown of Freedom,

  • Now no longer allows, you or enemies to exit the playarea


  • Cursed secret ultra:
    • Now spawns 8 lasers instead of 4
    • Now gives immunity to enemy contact damage while shielded


  • Significantly Lowered maximum damage of beam
  • Increased cost of beam by 5%
  • Beam now has a delay before you can suck up rads similar to retail, but the delay is very short (1 second)
  • Anomaly:

    • Anomaly now scales health breakpoint each loop up to loop 10 where it will be doubled.
    • Anomaly health breakpoint is now higher in hard mode
  • Thronebutt: 
    • Slightly reduced how quickly beam charges, (Remains the same when using cash flow)
    • Removed 'sometimes missed beam drops rads'
    • Now fires a big ball of radiation that goes through walls when you release the beam,
    • Power of big ball is based on how long you had held the beam
    • Not there when using cash flow. (Cash flow is intended to be used continuously while the radiation beam is intended to have breaks)
  • Ultra Meltdown:
    • No doubles radiation capacity (this had negative effects when trying to reach levels above 10)
    • Now reduced beam cost by 15%
    • Now Reduces Ultra weapon cost by 40%


  • Instead of fully reloading your weapon when using blood gamble it will now reload by 75%

Good O'l Humphry

  • Stacking of active duration halved


  • Explosions can now be swapped to blood explosions when using the correct ultramod.
  • The blood explosions will retain the ability to destroy squares

Ghost Melee weapons,

  • Can now destroy Squares.
  • Now have a lot of wall pierce, meaning walls don't block as much
  • Reduced swing rate for all ghost weapons

Global Game Changes

  • Whenever you get hit your droprate will lower by 20% for 2 seconds (this effect stacks in percentage and is not triggered by self inflicted damage but does trigger through blocked damage)
  • Whenever you are low on health and miss a roll for a healthpack the chance your next drop will be a healthpack increases slightly until you roll a health drop
  • Increased normal iframes by 1


  • Should be a more significant difference between mutation choices when in any seeded mode.
  • Weapon Smith weapon combining is now seeded (in seeded modes such as dailies)

Balance & Small changes

  • Reduced stacking explosion spread slightly
  • Lowered velocity of random direction on spawning swarm bolts when using Bee keeper ultra as doctor, this should result in the swarms having an easier time redirecting themselves towards enemies.
  • Beekeeper ultra, now when big rad chunks spawn will spawn 8 swarms instead of just 2
  • Increased how quickly swarm bolts start seeking
  • Wall prevention now also kicks in when using just bolt marrow
  • Very slightly increased homing mod home boost
  • Swarm and seeker bolts no longer disappear based on low speed instead only on lifetime. This should really buff beekeeper ultra.
  • Swarm bolts can now also bounce off of walls whenever you have bolt marrow and eagle eyes.
  • Very slightly lowered rad drops in claustrophobia and agoraphobia
  • Ultra Protectors can now spawn in oasis and savanna
  • Starting hard mode chests no longer include a big healthchest now that it only overheals 1
  • Fixed a bug where steroid's thronebutt was basing its chance on the weapon you were not firing.
  • Reduced size of damage numbers
  • Increased reload time of (golden) explosive crossbow and reduced tier of regular version
  • Reduced explosion size of car and increased it for venuscar
  • Rogue immortal police, Thronebutt now revives you at half health instead of full
  • Decreased i-frames on rogue immortal police revive
  • Discs no longer swap sprites when deflected
  • Decreased bounty reward 2 to be radiation value increase from 15% to 10%
  • Reduced rogue ultra weapon radiation cost from 40% to 30%
  • Leveling up beyond level ultra now requires an additional 25% rads
  • Last wish now gives you half health instead of full health
  • Last wish iframes slightly reduced
  • Significantly reduced iframes on phoenix revive
  • Enriched metabolism is now excluded in one hit wonder
  • Reduced swing rate increase on panda cleansing ultra by 5% increasing it by 5% in the previous patch was a mistake
  • Hard mode increased level up rads required by 5%
  • Lowered angels stacking of active duration by 1 frame
  • Ultra modded explosions to blood explosions will now keep their damage
  • Adjusted tile colour in inverted scrapyard to help a little with enemy contrast
  • Adjusted floor tiles in inverted jungle
  • Practically redid inverted big dog. (code refactor)
  • Reduced ammo cost of toxic dragon from 1 to 0.75
  • Jungle Gorillas now have a very small delay before they fire
  • Inverted big bandit now attacks much quicker after spawning in
  • Whenever a trap spawns it reduces the chance of more traps spawning
  • Reduced Crown of Greed extra rads by 10%
  • Reverted previous explosion hitbox (against player) size increase
  • Disabled bouncy fat in one hit wonder mode


  • Fixed a bug where Doctor's scarier face bonus was +30% instead of + 3% resulting in damage never being lost
  • Fixed a crash in hard mode related to the new shield casting enemies when they cast a shield on targets with a specific kind of hitbox
  • Fixed a bug where insane damage numbers crashed the game
  • Fixed a bug where secondary and tertiary weapons did not drop in 'one weapon only modes' such as marksman
  • Fixed a bug where flexible elbow reload checks was sometimes checking for the wrong weapon to be reloaded, this caused it not to work properly on triple weapon builds or offhand reloads
  • Fixed a bug where in hard mode too few enemies were spawned and no hard mode enemies were spawned when an enemy inversion crown got destroyed. This also caused too many enemies to be spawned in casual mode
  • Fixed a bug where Chicken's E skin used the D skin version on the loadout menu
  • Fixed a bug where you could keep charge weapon's charge when modding or depositing a weapon
  • Fixed a bug where ultimate gamble did not reveal upon finding and using it successfully
  • Fixed a bug where total forecall when hovering over patience the description would stay on screen
  • Fixed morph chest containing toxic weapons instead of morph weapons
  • Fixed a bug where small slashes were sometimes dealing double damage
  • Fixed a bug where bloom on explosions were still drawn when swapping them to blood explosions
  • FIxed a bug where horror's beam infused too many rads into enemies


NuclearThroneUltraMod_30.07.00.zip 208 MB
Jan 16, 2024

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