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Have you contemplated as of yet the possibility of online co-op for this mod? Working with the creator of the co-op mod to make greatness happen

How to u use B skins?


Through the power of love, friendship, and all things that make you feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Basically its entirely random. Go get lucky.


hi my potato friend ths is characters suggetons and i make this characters is glue the dragon look ths character and put in your mod pls :D


it is so BEAUTIFUL


Thanks (^-^


Dayum son. That is a good looking character you got there.


Thanks Brother :D


R.I.P Glue, may your cuteness live forever. T_T I had completly forgotten about her.


hahaha really sorry is very very Kawaii :3

it look like a great mod but i wish that you could make it for Mac OS i would love to have it for mac

if this mod dosen't have the throne 1 and 2 and more areas it should be called cashire cat ultra

In the update 16.0 please get more areas and bosses including the throne 1 and the throne 2 and please get i.d.p.d cars

This mod is based on update 19. This update didn't have a lot of the weapons and most certainly not the throne. I would have to remake the throne wich takes a long time.

Ohh, that haves sense


You don't need to recriate it ,besides this is the best mod for nuclear throne ever if u cant add the throne please add some b skins selectable.You remember when u said that u would get horror in the game that's my idea of the next character and plesae add a badass crow


Baddas crow as a playable character


Game crash report.


action number 1

of Step Event0

for object AmmoPickup:

Variable AmmoPickup.yw(100456, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_AmmoPickup_Step_0

As soon as I killed somebody in a loop with a blackhole generator I think.

its says the

(1 edit)

Uhm, Ive Noticed A Bug Which Has To Do With Power Craving.

When Chosen, It Does Not Show The Mutation Icon In The Top Right Corner.

Sorry If That Was Already Brought To Your Attencion.

Oh, And Also: The Flare Shotgun And The Auto Flare Shotgun Cause Lag Every Time All Flares Explode.

So, good mod until......I cant even open the folder when i download the 15.3 version, anyone else having the same issue? Please help

same issue

Try the direct link:

Ice explosions, Like a frost grenade launcher that creates frost debris when the grenade explodes

Deleted 4 years ago

Try turning down freezeframes

Yeah it says its invalid to me also!

(1 edit)

I found the "oops gun", why would you do that to me, why....

Edit: I am have trouble opening the compressed zip file for the new update, says it's invalid and won't open.

For those of you who are having trouble downloading here is a direct link tell me if this works:

Thanks! it works now, love your mod!

(1 edit)

Ultra B for Business Hog: Capitalising - Ultra weapons have a chance of not consumeing rads(maybe 20%) OR Extra 10% discount

PS:Sorry for the Capitalising, don't know how to write it.

Theres no download button


where's the download button??



The download.

The, the, the download button...

and the download?

and the download?

On loop, the business Hog should get a weapon called the debriefer, a suitcase gun that gives the Business Hog radiation, and does high damage.

I love Business Hog and i have a idea for the B Ultra mutation when you get hit sometimes you get rads/money

I love Business Hog and i have a idea for the B Ultra mutation when you get hit sometimes you get rads/money

(1 edit)

so wait how do i enable a controller?

btw i am using a playstation controller with turbo on it :p

Is that a Rayman 2 song in the lava levels? Also it seems like thronebutt on angel does not work, I'm still spending 96 bullets on 2 health. Having tons of fun with this mod!

I found your I Don't Know What I Did gun/IDKWID (or something like that) Please tell me it's not a bug that makes it in the game

Its the all guns gun

IDKWID means "I Don't Know What It Does", but that is a really good name for it too.

Super Triple Plasma Laser Rocket Bouncer Gun. STPLRB!

When playing as Viking, I went into the oasis with the gamemode claustrophobia. When I tried to use her special ability in the first level of the oasis, the game crashed. That's all the info I can give.

that was fixed in last update

Your mod is awesome btw! :D

Some gun suggestions:

Throwing Knives - Pretty self explanatory, throws a screwdriver in a line. Consumes 1 Bolt per shot.

Double super disc gun - 10 Discs instead 5. 10 Ammo consumed per shot.

Circle Slugger- Shoots 8 slugger shots in a circle around the player, Consumes 8 shells. Decently long reload time.

Director Circle Slugger

Frisbee Gun - Same as the yoyo gun just longer range, doesnt bounce, if it hits a wall it doesn't return to the player, pierces enemies.

Super Frisbee Gun - Same as the frisbee gun just shoots 5 frisbees.

Paintball gun - This weapon might be a little hard to do, but this gun is rare but almost totally useless, does 0.5 damage, semi-auto fast reload, when you shoot enemies or walls it changes the color of them to a random color.

Anyway hope you consider these, once again love your mod super awesome.

Throwing Knifes plus Superhot Revolver can lead into some serious Za Warudo-ing

I've been playing this and its pretty awesome, me and my brother play co-op all the time, do you know if a co-op mode will be implemented that's in the latest version in nuclear throne? Super cool mod though, I wish a lot of the guns were in the official version :D Can you add this to the description, please? It's taking shape! But, we still need help on it!

I have two suggestions to make, 1. Big dog should be added back as a character because they were fun, 2. There is not a inverted color fish place that you access by opening the three things of value on the first floor.

Thank you

So what was the "Strange skull in the wasteland" thing?

Sorry to bother but my game seems to be playing at double the normal speed and it only seems to happen when I have this mod installed. If anyone knows the solution I would appreciate the help. Thank you!

Are you launching it from steam? Launching it from steam doesn't use the executable. I suggest you copy the nuclear throne folder and rename it to the mod, delete the nuclear throne executable, and use the ultra mod exe file instead. You can even put it in the steam library as a non steam game.

Is frog in the game yet? I'm adding a lot of character pages to the wiki but since frog doesn't show up as an unlocked character like the others, I'm guessing it's not ported in yet?

(1 edit) (+1)

Its not in yet. Also if you want more info on stuff feel free to add me on steam: CouchPotatoSalad

Sup, Im having some horrible bugs with the mod, often the game starts with no sound (if i open the volume mixer nuclear throne doesnt even appear) and the cursor is stuck on middle left screen. If i try to move it returns there


Do you have a controller connected while playing?

Yep that was it thx. Do you know anything about the sound?

Try looking into the options menu if its turned down XD?

(2 edits)


  • Swarm Flak Cannon
  • AI Blade Gun (Shoots just one.)
  • Black Katana
  • Hyper Hunter Rifle (Long ranged and shoots through walls.)
  • Sheep Cannon
  • Tri Gun (Random Fire, Toxic, and Ice.)
  • 8 Directional YoYo Gun (need better name.)
  • Not a Oops Gun (A oops gun in disguise.)
  • Super Nuke Launcher
  • Railgun
  • Blood Hammer
  • Shurikens (Used bullet ammo.)
  • Master Sword
  • Crystal Shard Gun (A gun that makes enemies explode of more shards when killed with it.)
  • Line of Bullets
  • Super Flame Cannon
  • Fire Hammer
  • Metal Bat (Reflects faster.)
  • Superhot Katana
  • Sine Laser

Ok thats all the weapon suggestions my brain can handle so here are some other stuff.

  • Make Ice actually freeze enemies, because they can still shoot and move slightly.
  • WeaponSmith should keep a modification for his primary instead of having it only for his revolver and losing it when you find a new weapon.
  • Y.C should be able to join the Y.V crib if that's in b19, never had the time or skills to check.
  • Emote for when enemies are sleeping and a alert emote for when they are awake.
  • Nerf Insomnia since its a pretty long time till they wake up.
  • Toxic is kinda hard to use.

I'm sure not everything would just be implemented on the dot, but I am willing to help and share some ideas.

How can you know about AI weapons its not in any patch notes and you can't get it legit in the game yet its unfinished!

Lol I really don't know, might be a glitch or something because I found it in a chest.

The WeaponSmith can actually combine any weapon with the modificated revolver to pass the mod to other weapon

This is true

how about a reedemed lil' hunter character?


I found a way to play Nuclear Throne mods on mac, but you'll still need a pc (sorry if i do a trash job at explaining it :P)

On your PC you'll have to get to the games local files and drag everything to a flash drive. Right after, eject your flash drive and put it in your Mac. Then you'll have to install Wine. Right after you install Wine, put all the files from your flash drive into a folder. Finally, drag all the contents of Nuclear Throne Ultra into the folder then right click the Ultra exe and open it with Wine.

How do you select b skins?


YoU gEt ThEm ThRoUgH mIrAcLeS mAn,

So there is no specific way?


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