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(2 edits) (+1)

The fire area is the hardest area in the game by far, the blue ball guys have too much hp making me waste most of my weapon ammo on them, when I got to the dragon I couldn't beat the boss at all because I had no ammo and the dragon was too tanky

Edit: that or you reduce the spawn rate for them because I feel as though too many of them spawn

Edit2: Also the fire projectiles can multi-hit you out of strong spirit without euphoria and I feel like the dragon fires a bit too many projectiles at times

I'm changing some things in this area in the next update

Melting on 1hp Equality + Ultra A = untouchable god

(3 edits)

I found a bug with the extra loop level feature. I had taken Crown of Destiny and gotten a ninth mutation already, so when I double looped and hit 11, it didn't give me the extra mutation.

Also, mutation idea: Winning Smile, small chance for critical hits. Surprised NT never had a 'crit' mechanic to begin with.

Also, while I'm thinking of mutation ideas, Chiseled Chin, chance that destroying walls (or maybe props) will drop hp and ammo.

Well, I don't know what just happened, not sure if it's a bug or not but hey. Killed the Cheshire cat, went into the Oasis, beat the oasis, then I was in inverted Frozen City, which was labelled as 107_1 (why am I the one that goes to 107_1 dammit) Didn't manage to get a screenshot, as my ogre fingers hit the wrong key.

Figured I would point this out. Not sure if the laser cannon was added in by you or if it was in the normal game at this point, but in the current build the laser cannon is automatic, while in the mod it doesn't appear to be.

Yea the automatic one is way better, you should make it autofiring if you can.

Now that the mod is running on GameMaker Studio, have you considered releasing a mac / linux version? I would donate if you needed to get a license.

I would try to make one but I need a mac for that aswell. And even if I had a mac and a license it wouldn't be a guarentee that I succeed. because I've never done a macport before.

I would also contribute to a Linux version

(1 edit)

Sheep D Ultra + Blade Gun + Impact Wrist + Blood Crown = Lag Heaven Fun

I have an idea for a weapon- Airstrike launcher or something. works kind of like ion cannon but with flame cannon projectiles.

(1 edit)

suggetions characters: the demon same to: Angel but same demon or devil

i just found a bug in the weapon only challenge, i was only using the pistol as the weapon smith and when i tried too infuse my pistol it never dropped the new one, leaving me fucked. just bringing this two youre attention im sorry if this has been said before or youre all ready trying to fix it

(1 edit)

Sorry if its to big for the comment box but I didn't know where to put this error.




action number 1

of Step EventEnemyBullet1

for object CrystalShield:

Variable <unknown_object>.y(1, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_CrystalShield_Collision_145


(1 edit)

My weapon suggestion is the Fire Axe. Looks like a modern utility axe, does the same base damage as the wrench, also does fire damage. Pretty simple and probably low tier, but I like the idea.

Sorry if its in there already (not the most original concept), but every time I try to use the gamemode to scroll through all the weapons the game crashes because it runs out of memory. Probably an issue with my laptop and not the actual game.

If you're also taking character suggestions, I have an idea, but all that info would probably just clutter up the comment section. I have ideas for all the Ultras and the Throne Butt and everything, but basically a character that can hold 3 guns instead of 2 with a trade-off of a lower reload time. I'm guessing it wouldn't be as easy to program as most other things, but if you think it'd be possible, I could talk about the rest of the character, too, and you can see if it'd be interesting enough.

(Edit: Hadn't seen the Robot Ultra Mutation yet, lol. I still think it'd have potential as a character, instead, though, so if you'd ever want to change Robot's Ultra, there's that option.)

Do you accept weapon suggestions, or even character suggestions?

That would be amazing... I suppose that you dont have to make them all but there are some cool weapones that I would like to see.

(1 edit)

Weapon & Character suggestions are much appreciated! Theres a gamemode called one weapon only this lets you scroll through all the weapons that are in the game right now, just so yo know which weapons are already in there before suggesting :D.

The rocket powered fist, or whatever it is called, appears to cause some issues. Playing as weaponsmith, with a blood explosion mod attached, I was able in some circumstances (it was too chaotic to tell how) to clip through the wall. Later using the same weapon, I collided with a laser crystal and got the error:

FATAL ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object Player:

Unable to find any instance for object index '59' name 'Player'at gml_Object_Player_Step_0

The mod just strait up dosnt work. I put the .data and .exe into the directory "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Nuclear Throne" for Nuclear Throne while using the most updated version which I have bought on steam. When I launch by running the .exe I have downloaded it runs the vanilla Nuclear Throne. Please help :/

You have removed the original .exe file, right? Because if you havent that is what is going to happen. I think

Are you using update 98? Btw don't rename the file. Move the original file somewhere else and then put the ultramod file inside of the folder.

couch potato pls tutorial of put yung cuz B-skin pls i noy know how to put the b skin of yung cuz thanks

Ok, so weird interaction, when I launch the game with this mod everything runs at like 2x speed.

It's all good now, i figured it out

How did you do it?

(1 edit)

I copied the NuclearThroneUltraMod10.1.exe file into the same folder as the and then ran that file and it worked as normal.

PS. I have to run that exe each time i want to play the mod, if I launch through steam it returns to 2x speed.

I know this is incredibly selfish, but is there any chance of releasing an open source version of this ever? There are several things I'd like to work on myself

Not sure if Vlambeer would allow that. I'd also be releasing their source code.

I don't really know exactly how the legal workings are for that, but the source you built upon is already available to the public (I assume). But I definitely understand. I've started my own port in the meantime :)

Hola, Tengo Una Idea Para El Juego, Porfavor Pongan El Modo De 2 Jugadores o 3 O 4, eso seria genial, Gracias Por Su Atencion Pd: Me Encanto Pd2: Agregen A Rogue :v

(1 edit)

por fin encuentro a alguien que piensa lo mismo que yo solo que en vez de poner a rouge poner a horror o a frog o a skeleton o un nuevo personaje no se pero me gustaria que pasara eso

Hey I'm not good at spanish but multiplayer probably isn't going to happen that would be really hard to code. And rogue may happen someday I'll look into it. Glad you're enjoying the mod!

I ran into a bug today. Went into the inverted Frozen City. I stayed there for the rest of my run, which lasted quite a while, all the way to 107_3. Screenshot as proof No idea what caused it, no idea how to replicate it.

This is fixed in update 10 :D.

You're a god.

Hi My Potato Friend ,i get one error in your mod whit character weapon smith this is he error ,___________________________________________



action number 1

of Step Event0

for object Player:

Unable to find any instance for object index '59' name 'Player'

at gml_Object_Player_Step_0

############################################################################################, this happens when this character dies

Hey, thanks for reporting! Can you tell me how you died/what killed you?

i dead by explosion and mounster atacks sorry by my bad english ,whit character weapon smith


question in the next update 11.1 or 11 your put in the game joke weapon XD as water guns, poop guns,rat pistol (make rats) and the chan chan chan potato pistol XDDD ,another question , why not show up in the mod, as if you were a character to choose , I would choose thanks for this great mod :D


yeaaaaaaaaaaah new character you are the best potato friend (^-^) and gamepad support you are the fucking goooooood yeah baby


Hey, i'm from brazil and i love this mod!

It can be a weird idea but i was thinking about a character that could be called bird, that his active would allow it to fly trough the scenario. Since i dont know how to make mods i've decided to bring this idea for you guys :V

Sorry about the bad english tho

use atom for that.

Got a error here


action number 1

of Step Event2

for object CrystalShield:

Unable to find any instance for object index '59' name 'Player'

at gml_Object_CrystalShield_Step_2

Thanks for reporting the bug. I've fixed it you can redownload update 10.1 for the fix ;D

hi, i have a request, can you please add Rogue? she's my main in nuclear throne and that would certainly rock, if you could add her. thank you.

I could if I somehow got all the art and animations for her :/.

Is there any possible way you can fix the gamepad support? I can only play with a gamepad due to wrist problems and it makes me sad to think I couldn't play it just because of that.

(1 edit)

I'll look into it. What gamepad are you using?

Xbox 360 controller. Thank you so much!!


yes could you please add Xbox 360 gamepad support it only let's me use controller I get really sad

Is there a tutorial vid to download? I'm a bit dumb xD

Just wondering? How do you get to the inverted dessert? have been to it twice but does it appear randomly or something?

It is random ;D

for some reason my game runs really fast does anyone have this problem ?

My game also runs really quick. it is unplayable. I have no idea what the reason is. using the latest version of the mod and the game. it would be nice if somebody fixed that

This happens when you start the game via steam. Try starting it via the provided .exe

Thanks a lot. I just got confused by the 2 exe files that were in the folder

i gain ultra level on YV and it wont let me return to the map in the mansion

What version are you playing and what was the previous area before you entered the mansion?? And you are talking about the crib right not the scrapyard car mansion thing?

it's the frozen city, and im talking about the crib, yes

(1 edit)

What version were you playing? And what subarea?

Latest version, 3rd

(2 edits)

This doesn't happen to me. Are you sure that you are playing update 6? Did you destroy or did you get in the car?

how did ya get 2 big weapon chests in the cheshire bossfight in the update 5 trailer hmmm...? totaly not *cough cough* cheats *cough cough*

(1 edit)

Open mind is buffed. It gives you one extra chest compared to the retail version :D.

Yup I've done that with the help of the video (really helpful btw thanks for that) but now when I run the game I get this error message, the likes of which I haven't ever seen before. I get the option to clear, copy, abort or ignore. Pressing ignore makes the message longer and abort will run the game, but then I can't get off of the title, I pressed every key on my keyboard but the logo just stays there...

What is the error message?

Just in advance, does it work for windows 10????

Well, I've just booted it up, and I can't get off of the title screen to start playing, I've pressed all of the keys on my board, what do I do?

It works on windows 10 I have windows 10 myself. You need to place the exe in the nuclear throne folder after you have downgraded the game to update 19 via steam. The video tutorial explains it.

Is the mod incompatible with windows 8.1? Every time I try to run the .exe file from within the nuclear throne folder, I get an error.

"This app can't run on your PC - To find a version for your PC, check with the software publisher"

Thanks in advance.

It should work on windows 8.1 did you set your steam game to the Mod branch?

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah, I did. I'll retry it now.

Edit: It works now. I believe it was my antivirus acting up previously.

I have been having trouble with the gamepad support. It only wants to aim North-West. Am I doing something wrong?

Probably not I haven't looked at gamepad support. That part is probably very broken sorry about that.


No worries, I have been having a ton of fun with this mod. Thanks for all your work. :)

Is it possible for you to make a mac build? Maybe the old game creation software they used can allow a mac port.

(1 edit)

Game maker 8.1 doesn't support mac, I'm sorry. I looked up if it is possible doesn't seem like it and if it is I have no clue how.

Looked around for a way to make a mac build, and it turns out you have to pay 100 dollars just to get the mac build option. But thats only for Gamemaker:studio. Wonder how Vlambeer even made a linux/mac version at all...

Along development they changed from gamemaker 8.1 to gamemaker studio. It is a hell to do this though. Cause you'd have to rewrite a lot of the code.


things I think would be cool:

a mutation to stop you taking toxic damage

ultra flamethrower/super flame cannon

disc shotgun

a new idpd type


*kills big bandit*

*big bandit drops "oops gun"*

Me: "ooh a oops gun! i wonder what it do-"


Me: "..."

Me: "really?"


looks very cool

(1 edit)

Hey dude! This seems really cool. Think you can make a mac version? Also, great sniper sprite.

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